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Barry Coulter's O- Gauge Train Repair

O Gauge Train Repair is a factory-trained authorized service station for Lionel Model Trains.
Barry Coulter is authorized to do warranty work on Lionel model trains and accessories.

Work Order


  Visit my O Gauge Photo Gallery






Keep your toy trains running smoothly with repairs by Coulter O Gauge Repair Service.


Please add your information to this work order, print it out, and include it with the trains you are shipping to us for diagnosis and repair.  Thanks!

Name ________________________________     Date: ________________

Address: ____________________ City _____________ State __ Zip Code _____

Telephone Number _____________________ (Please include area code)

Email:  ___________________________________________________

Please list the work that you want Barry to perform...   (Please print.)








Credit Card Information:   (Visa, MasterCard or Discover Card)

Name on the card:  _____________________________________________

Credit Card Number ________________________ Expiration Date: ________

Upon my acceptance of Barry's free estimate, I authorize Barry Coulter to charge my credit card for the services rendered and parts required to fulfill my requests listed above.

Authorized Signature: 



Keep your toy trains running smoothly with repairs by Coulter O-Gauge Repair Service.

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