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Barry Coulter's O- Gauge Train Repair

O Gauge Train Repair is a factory-trained authorized service station for Lionel Model Trains.
Barry Coulter is authorized to do warranty work on Lionel model trains and accessories.



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Keep your toy trains running smoothly with repairs by Coulter O Gauge Repair Service.



Model Train Repairs and Model Train Accessory Repairs 

Lionel ·  American Flyer  ·  MTH  ·  Williams  ·  Atlas  ·  Weaver  ·  Marx


Model train cleaning, lubricating, electrical wiring and mechanical repairs. 

Complete mechanical repairs

Electrical repairs

Cleaning and Lubrication

Complete model train accessory repairs

Affordable prices on model train repair.

Diagnostic services


Keep your toy trains running smoothly with repairs by Coulter O-Gauge Repair Service.

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